People who are married/in relationships - how do you do it?

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People who are married/in relationships - how do you do it?

Post by kpower »

As the title asks, was wondering how people who are in relationships and especially those who are married.... how do you manage this hobby?

I feel like it's harder now with the higher number of people working remotely. But maybe you can share what changed since this whole covid thing too if you want to. Was thinking about the money side, time away, etc etc. And do your regulars know you have an SO? What you do to hide this? Unless of course your partner knows and is happy you partake in this.... that'll be an interesting read!

Just curious.


Re: People who are married/in relationships - how do you do it?

Post by ironwood »

I am a caregiver for my disabled spouse we are in a non physical relationship. I could never abandon her however to live a sexless life I would be in essence abandoning myself, that's what I tell myself to address the resultant guilt and shame of cheating. I am supposed to live out the last 25 years of my life and foreseeable future with no kissing hugging intimacy just to appease the judgemental status quo. Religion plays a big roll in all the shit that clouds ones mind especially if you had a parochial upbringing as I did, not only do you shame yourself but would be shamed by the cult that brainwashed you.

Taking the leap was tough however after a couple of very intimate sessions when I got started in all this I became insatiable , feeling a nude woman hold me kiss me after decades of abstinence was really overwhelming , initially I often heard I was the most passionate man the escort had ever spent time with and no wonder I had starving man syndrome I was out of my mind , the women were unbelievably understanding and accommodating as I often out of guilt felt the need to tell them my situation and they were very empathetic and understanding.

I lost track of the number of ladies that after a few sessions bailed on protection with me and my first ever unprotected session went from a half hour booking to a marathon session and that one I will always remember.

I would give anything to find a woman in my situation and have a mutually gratifying intimate relationship with her and not have to escort ever again but how to get that to happen is beyond me I can't publicly troll clubs I can't post a picture on a dating app I did join Ashley but then they had the security breach and so I packed it in.

So here I am stuck in this hoping to have the next meaningful connection however I think as I have aged that is less and less likely to happen.
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Re: People who are married/in relationships - how do you do it?

Post by kpower »

Thanks for sharing ironwood. Never thought of relationships in the position you're in.
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Re: People who are married/in relationships - how do you do it?

Post by Buster »

Ironwood you are absolutely on the moral highground in your situation. LOL . I would be willing to bet that most of the other married guys were not so noble. I am no longer married. I did see hookers a couple times when I was still married but the ex and I had long stopped having sex and besides I was on a different continent so it didn't count anyway . Pretty sure the road to hell is paved with rationalizations
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