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Sugar dating study

Posted: Tue 06-Feb-2024 2:52 pm
by blueman
Sugar dating study, interesting read
Participants also provided self-reports on their history of sugar dating, including the number of partners, the nature of their arrangements, and their experiences of emotional intimacy and pressure within these relationships. This information was complemented by open-ended questions that allowed participants to express, in their own words, their motivations for entering into sugar dating, the benefits and disadvantages they perceived, and their experiences regarding power, trust, and compensation within these arrangements.

Re: Sugar dating study

Posted: Wed 07-Feb-2024 10:21 am
by threems
Small sample size but interesting finds nonetheless

Re: Sugar dating study

Posted: Sun 11-Feb-2024 5:35 pm
by blueman
Sugardaddy Red Flags, "You are not a bull, so why do you keep charging directly towards red flags?" :lol: